Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hating living in the big PNW

I thought I would let you read about the nice part of living here before telling you that, right now, I HATE it here. Capital I, HATE, IT, and HERE.

I'm having a bad day. I'm fighting over getting Evan an occupational therapist. Can you believe the nurse that evaluated him actually asked me why I thought he needed it? Can you?! Gee, I don't know, maybe because that he doesn't have even one fully functional arm? She thinks they can address any occupational needs in a group therapy play session. It doesn't sound like they have an individual occupational therapist available. So now his case manager at the Bremerton Naval Hospital is trying to track one down and so far has only found one "possibly", but still with an 8 week wait. She is waiting to hear from more places. All this and I'm probably going to have to fight Tricare, the military insurance, because the PT and OT will be at different places. Un-fricking-acceptable. I'm completely heartbroken right now.

On top of that, John is constantly in training. So much for moving here so he would have more time with the kids. When not under way, he will be working his ass off and training. I'm here all alone. I joined a moms group and the first get together is when Evan has to be evaluated by ANOTHER person from the therapy place (for his PT that will FINALLY start in a couple of weeks). Of all days. And to top off my bad day:

There is a "Hail and Farewell" Friday night for the officers of John's sub. Only 5 are leaving and arriving, and he is one of them. Since they are working until 8, they aren't rescheduling, just postponing until late. So now, even though I'm one of the "hailers", they aren't rescheduling and I don't get to go and meet other adults and have adult conversations. This is bullshit.

Thank you for listening to me, you've been great. I'll be fine, I'm just venting and it's 8 O' friggin clock and John's not home yet. The kids are happy in their jumparoo's, which makes me think- do they make them in adult size?

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