Wednesday, March 18, 2009

1 Year ago...

It was one year ago today that Evan had his large VSD repair at Children's National Medical Center. Two days later I was able to hold him for the first time and my mom snapped a picture. The second picture is Evan now- what a big boy (from 5 to 18 lbs)! The surgeons and nurses kept telling me that after a couple of months he would be bigger than his sister. I couldn't believe it when it happened.

Looking back, I remember every little detail of that time. The days leading up to the surgery, the days while he was in recovery. The wires, the monitors, the beeping, the tubes. The ignoramus nurses. Feeling bad about not seeing Amelia much. It was so beautiful in DC. The cherry blossoms bloomed that week. I haven't been able to decide if cherry blossoms are a source of painful memories or something I can draw strength from. I think I'm going with the latter. I can't wait to take him for a walk around the tidal basin.

1 comment:

Laura said...

We wish you could come back to your other home with the Cherry Blossoms. They are just getting ready to bloom. BTW, our boys are growing. My Evan is 14.5lbs now and Cameron is 17lbs, thanks to the GJ tubes. I hope spring makes a warm sunny appearance there very soon.