Monday, June 28, 2010


Oh, it is so nice to go to a doctor and have them tell you not to come back! Last Thursday we trekked over to Seattle Children's Hospital to see the hand surgeon again. He said Evan's thumb looked fantastic. I knew this already of course. I've seen amazing strides of development the past few weeks. The space between his thumb and forefinger is stretching out nicely and the thumb is starting to curl inward like a real thumb. Also, his physical therapist says that she has not seen a plateau in his strength yet. So it was no surprise, but still nice to hear that we are not wanted anymore! We are just going to stop in before we move next year and get some names of hand specialists that will be in our new area, wherever that is. And we will probably take some X-rays to make sure his radius bone is growing appropriately (oh, I hope so!).

Also- he picked up a gallon of milk yesterday. A gallon of milk!! Amelia couldn't even do it!

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