Sunday, August 16, 2009

We're Baack...

Wow, it has been a long time! It was hard while on vacation to get online to post stuff. I can't believe how busy we were. The first week was a little slow and then, BAM!, everyday we did something- the beach, in the water, the farm, festivals, and so on, and so on. I didn't take quite as many pics as I would have liked, but still got some good ones. I will post them over the next few days.

On another note, travelling with infant/toddler twins alone is not something I recommend. But if you have to do it, here a few helpful hints:

1) DO NOT FLY AIRTRAN!. The flight to Milwaukee was such a nightmare, I still don't want to speak of it. Horrible flight attendants. The only help I had was from passengers. And I was practically in tears. After calling customer relations, they set up gate assistance for me. (Not really.) The flight back was soooo much better. Mostly because my mom parked and came in until we went through security. But I think the flight attendants were nicer. And willing to lift a carseat for me, which the other flight attendants said was "not a requirement of their jobs." So gate assistance was called, but because they wanted to get the plane loaded the Milwaukee flight attendants just said "screw it" and did it themselves. They didn't buckle the car seat in, though, I had to set two 19 month olds down on seats and tell them to "stay" (yeah, right) while I buckled it in. What, do tell, would happen if you had two little babies??

2) If you have to fly Airtran, call customer relations and put up a big stink.

3) No matter the airline, make sure to call customer relations first, that way when the ticket people or flight attendants start giving attitude you start screaming about customer relations.

4) Keep your chin up and buck up. Nothing you can do, so just get through it, it will all be over in a few hours.

5) Oh, and no matter the cost (well, maybe), try to get a flight when they usually go to bed. Mine go to bed at 8, so they were sleeping on the flight home. However, the flight to WI was past their bedtime, so they stayed up with all the excitement, then got really cranky when they couldn't sleep yet. FLIGHT TO WI VERY BAD.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Note to self: Avoid Airtran. I'm so sorry you had a terrible time with them. But you are an amazing woman! I can't believe you did it all and have survived to tell about it.