Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Downward Spiral

No, Trent Reznor is not coming over to clean my house. But I would let anybody clean it right now, including a crazy, pierced guy who probably smells like my house. Right now I don't have the time or energy to clean the house the way it needs to be clean and it is driving me nuts. The walls are closing in on me. Of course, I could stop writing this blog post and clean. You are thinking that, right?? Sure I can "fake clean" by vacuuming and spot scrubbing liquid, hard cheese off the floor, but I'm finding it hard to bleach the counters, clean windows, dust, get out cobwebs, etc. So much so, I decided to call Merry Maids. It will cost a little more than I wanted and I would prefer to pay for Mommy and me gymnastics. I'm counting down the hours and minutes until John walks through the door, or more accurately jumps into the mini-van. I can't wait to start a real life and be able to be a family and -yes- CLEAN!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You clean windows?