Friday, August 21, 2009

Half and Half = Fat Babies. Maybe.

So we just got back from the big weigh-in. Amelia only gained a couple of ounces (18 lbs) and Evan lost a few (below 20 lbs again). It's been over a month of non-stop eating. They are just so active I think they burn it right off. The doc said no juice or water and I cheated and did give them those things. It has just been so hot and Evan has one kidney and has been doing great, so why risk anything, though the doc said it was fine. Oh well. I will try it her way (mostly). I have also been instructed to put half and half or cream into their milk. And I have to put Velveeta on everything. I know it sounds crazy and a lot of people say they are fine, but they are severely underweight now. If they don't gain in 1 month, we have to do blood work. I don't want to put them through it, so I'm going to get serious with the fat. Adding fat to a fattening diet. I wish I could give them some of mine. I should mention that they grew an inch, so I think that is quite an accomplishment.

Anyway, here are some more eating pics from WI, where they ate and ate and ate and then ran up and down the hill everyday.

"I've seen some things, man... And some stuff!"

Green shamrock cookies at Irish Fest

Kitties like corn, too.

Here is a video (from my phone, turn down the volume) that shows how crazy it is with them and how fast they are. Notice in the beginning that Evan is way in the background. He took advantage of the situation and knew that I was busy with Amelia. Stinker.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Oh dear god, that's why they need to attach eyes to the back of our heads. Yikes! It should have been part of the c-section surgery when they were born.