Saturday, February 6, 2010

No need for pity, we've been saved!

A touchy-feely experience hasn't happened in awhile. I was very surprised when an older lady, possibly from the Russian back country, just walked up to us in the grocery store and placed her hand on Amelia's head, then Evan's. She smiled and walked away. WTF?!?!

Either they have been cursed or saved, I guess. Maybe cured from the terrible two's?  But here is the more important question: Where the heck was my saving? Man, people always forget about the Momma's...

1 comment:

Laura said...

I think maybe that was your saving. She might have just made them the saviors of the world, future leaders of the universe, and made them impervious to all ailments and bullets. I'd call that a saving. Either way, very sweet.