Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Mall Visit

As a mom of twins, I need a lot of space to get the bus sized stroller and two kids out of the van.  So when I go to the mall or Target or any other parking lot, I try and park so there is an empty spot on both sides and can load and unload easily. I get the stroller out, push it over to one side, unload bags/food to the stroller, get one kid out, then go to the other side and get the other kid.  You can imagine how hard it is when a car doesn't park correctly (or even correctly). If both sides of the van don't have enough room for the stroller, it can be dangerous. This is why I park far, far away.  At least I think it is far away until I come out and the van has been surrounded by the cars of idiots.  How far do I have to park so that no one parks next to me? Answer: it doesn't matter. I'm an idiot magnet!

At the mall yesterday. And yes, this reallly happened.  Plenty of room in the parking lot to avoid being parked next to.  I am the blue van in the back of the parking lot.

I only ran into the mall to go to one store and back out. Here is what happened to me!  And I swear I am only exagerating by a couple of parking spaces!

1 comment:

BabyonBored said...

I seriously love those diagrams. funny and um, how do you do them?