Sunday, February 21, 2010

Nice Days

Upper 50's and sun for a week in the PNW. Everyone is outside and yes, they are even wearing their flippy floppies! Not me. But I'm getting them ready for when it hits 65F!

We have gone to a park just about every day. Here are some of my favorite pictures. One more day of this, then back to upper 40's and rain. Boo! No snow this year, though, and there probably won't be any. Boo to that, too!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Mall Visit

As a mom of twins, I need a lot of space to get the bus sized stroller and two kids out of the van.  So when I go to the mall or Target or any other parking lot, I try and park so there is an empty spot on both sides and can load and unload easily. I get the stroller out, push it over to one side, unload bags/food to the stroller, get one kid out, then go to the other side and get the other kid.  You can imagine how hard it is when a car doesn't park correctly (or even correctly). If both sides of the van don't have enough room for the stroller, it can be dangerous. This is why I park far, far away.  At least I think it is far away until I come out and the van has been surrounded by the cars of idiots.  How far do I have to park so that no one parks next to me? Answer: it doesn't matter. I'm an idiot magnet!

At the mall yesterday. And yes, this reallly happened.  Plenty of room in the parking lot to avoid being parked next to.  I am the blue van in the back of the parking lot.

I only ran into the mall to go to one store and back out. Here is what happened to me!  And I swear I am only exagerating by a couple of parking spaces!

Monday, February 8, 2010

You want to know what it's like??

Now that they are officially two, they have taken to running around screaming. And running and pushing. And running and giggling. It's so nice that they have each other, but it's twice as loud as you can imagine. Personally, I really do love it. It's like a good comedy every minute. Twins have left me with dark circles under my eyes and a broke back and now I have to add laugh lines to the list! I don't so much mind those as long as my life is full of good times! Yes, from now on, they shall be know as good times lines!

Here are some twins antics I have caught lately.

The first half is good...

Wait till the end for this one...

And this last beauty is more for the auditory experience. They should be taking a nap! I am in the hall outside their bedrooms.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

No need for pity, we've been saved!

A touchy-feely experience hasn't happened in awhile. I was very surprised when an older lady, possibly from the Russian back country, just walked up to us in the grocery store and placed her hand on Amelia's head, then Evan's. She smiled and walked away. WTF?!?!

Either they have been cursed or saved, I guess. Maybe cured from the terrible two's?  But here is the more important question: Where the heck was my saving? Man, people always forget about the Momma's...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Pity Me! Please!

Once upon a time, I blogged about how people wouldn't leave me alone.  I included funny little lists and quotes from those who couldn't keep their germy paws off of my tiny twins. Now that they are two and grabbing things off of store shelves and chucking their shoes down the aisle, I'm not getting the same reaction.  I'm not saying I miss the good ole days, but when I can't even get someone to want to fetch a shoe to help a momma out, well- can a lady with twin 2 year olds get a little pity over here?? Yes, yesterday a woman standing next to Meli's shoe down the aisle from me told me my daughter threw a shoe and made me drag the stroller backwards to fetch it.  I don't expect someone to help me and I usually prefer to do everything by myself because I'm too proud to ask for help. But c'mon, some days I want some pity and kindness!