Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

Here is a pic of my Baby New Year that I just happened to take last week.

And here is a pic from tonight at Times Square. We couldn't stay till the end- that's past their bedtime!

Hi, Fishy, Fishy!

Mysic Aquarim visit.

Evan won't wave at people, only animals!

Amelia is...sick?

We are so tired! Both kids are fighting off something and have a fever and vomiting issues.

Here is Amelia at midnight with a fever of 101.5:

Monday, December 29, 2008

Trouble Maker

There was a little girl, and she had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead,
When she was good, she was very, very good,
When she was bad, she was wicked.

Amelia and her new Trouble Maker shirt:

Oh, Meli, I love you so, but boy are you acting too big for those itty bitty pants of yours! (Just a few episodes of attacking Evan with toys.) (And laughing when we yell at her.) (And screaming when she doesn't get what she wants when she wants it.)

We just got back from the Mystic Aquarium and the kids absolutely loved it. When I was walking back from the bathroom with Evan, I could see Amelia with John from far away. She is such a little peanut- smaller than any other baby walking- and she was walking and pulling John's hand in the direction that she wanted to take him. It's amazing that she knows exactly who she is already. I knew who she was at 10 weeks when she was a large gummy bear on the screen vibrating! I remember thinking to myself, "Uh-oh, I'm in trouble."

Other than those episodes, she is very, very good when she is good ;)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas/Happy Hanukkah!/Happy Yule

Despite several costume changes due to puke and carrots, the past few days have been pretty successful- we got through them and had some fun. The kids love opening presents (shocker). At first, Evan would cry this horrible depressing cry when you took away the wrapping paper and moved on to the next gift. By Christmas Eve night, he was over that, thank goodness. Here are a few pics and vids because of course I can't not post any! Hope everyone is having a good time out there! -J

Playing with cousin Hannah.

Amelia got her first dolly from Santa.

Evan got his first ride on thing- a Tonka truck.

Cutie pie. Notice his overalls are getting short. I swear he grew at least two inches in the past week.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Evan's 1st Hair Cut

He got them all cut today! He was so good. Only a brief period of whining and then he was talking to himself. The hair stylist and I kept telling him how handsome and good looking he was and he just ate it up! Everyone else in there said that he is such a good boy and that most boys are NOT like him. Well, of course, right?

On another note, I went out with just him today for therapy and running errands and I cannot believe how easy it is having one baby. It's like nothing! Like breathing air!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


So every time I'm out, annoying people flock to me and I force myself to smile and answer the same questions over and over. So much so that I have decided to make a t-shirt with a bitchy phrase on it. I'm too sweet (should that be in quotes?) to be mean, so maybe I could just point to my chest! Here a few I whipped up.

This first one answers the 3 questions that I repeatedly get.

I kind of like that with short answers, too. (Credit for this one goes to my Aunt Les.)

This one is the one I might go with, just because everyone is so nosy. Especially the lady at the grocery store Sunday, who demanded me to tell her the truth about how my babies were conceived because, after all, her son has twins so it's OK to ask. I have been wanting forever to tell these people that they are not natural twins, they are not IVF twins, but they are NOYB twins. And then as they look at me puzzled, I say "None Of Your Business- NOYB". But of course I have to put that "F" in there because, well, that's just my style!

One Lady

Well, they are better today, but wholly cow it has been a hectic week. Besides non-stop Xmas crap I have to get accomplished, the kids have been crazy. They have caught on to the fact that playpens and high chairs (when they are not eating) are not for playing in. As soon as I put them in the playpens in the morning so I can take a shower it's scream time. I also try to clean the kitchen or bake cookies after they are done eating but still in the high chairs. More screaming. And throwing the cups I give them to play with. Put them in the play yard, more screaming. They have been really great, though, today. I have been sitting here on the computer and they have been very content playing with each other. I guess that is why I am writing this- because they let me! The good thing about twins is that they can never be spoiled. All that crying is never going to work because they always have to take turns. No matter how much they test me, I'm only one lady so I can't give in!!

Evan is now drooling like the Niagra Falls after the first spring thaw(?) and Amelia might be having a re-occurrance of that awful diaper rash, so it might be teething that is the issue.

Evan just pulled off Amelia's sock and is waving it in the air. Oh no, I just noticed that someone ripped the door off the Leap Pad floor toy and now Evan is chewing on that. Because Amelia stole her sock back, so he stole that from her. Just thought you all might enjoy some live court reporting!

I have bunchloads to say, which doesn't come often, but I will sign off for now so this doesn't get too long and boring. If you aren't asleep already, like I am ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz..................

You spin me right round, baby, right round...

Like a record player right round, round, round...

Friday, December 12, 2008

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Happy 11 months!

Noooooooo!! The countdown to 1 begins!

Everyday they are doing new things. Since yesterday, Evan stands up on the fence all by himself and Amelia is doing a new face.

I took a video and some pics of them today:

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Jumpsy Twins

They are crazy! They have so much energy, especially Amelia. They both are high energy until they drop around 8:30pm.

Evan is now bouncing up and down on his knees, throwing himself at the fence to try and stand up, and with a little reassuring push from me, stands holding onto the fence with both arms. This makes him laugh hysterically, like, "Look at me everybody!" Another favorite activity of his is taking off his sock and looking at me so I can yell, "Hey, what happened to your sock!" And when I ask him, he always knows where his sock is. A couple of days ago, he got sick of me asking and actually crawled 8 feet over to it, picked it up, and gave me a look like, "Here it is, you couldn't see me looking at it? Geez, Ma!" Maybe I shouldn't have introduced that game because all he wants to do is take off his socks now. I also showed him how to smell his feet after he takes his socks off. I know, but I couldn't resist. He said "Mum-mum" right at me on Saturday night, so I'm calling that one. And he says, "Moo" in his deep man voice when I ask what the cow says.

OK, I have to interrupt because right now in front of me, Amelia is trying to do a somersault on her own. Of course I taught her, but she's never tried all alone before. I have to get the camera now and wait for her to do it again...

Amelia is just excited and high energy about everything. When she sees me, she crawls or walks over super fast. When I pick her up, she jumps like a frog onto my shoulder and squeezes me. She also started hugging her stuffed animals. She prefers her kitty and Curious George dolls over her baby doll. When I'm down on the floor with them, she is constantly throwing her toys over me and then diving over me to get them. Now she knows how to tuck her head from our somersault sessions, so she dives over and ends in a somersault. She stands on my legs so I can flip her backwards, too. Whenever she hears someone say "uh-oh", you can hear her little voice from wherever she is: "Uh-oh".

I am so glad they entertain each other now. Sometimes they fight over toys, but they also can play contently for quite awhile. Evan likes to play with the buttons on Amelia's sweaters and Amelia just stares at him. They babble together, then scream babble (scrabble?) together.

Here is a video of them jumping together, but the jumpy that Amelia is in is an exersaucer and she is not supposed to jump in it!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Pictures? Yeah, Right!

What a horrible, horrible photo session! All I wanted was a picture of them in their Christmas outfits for the Grandmas. I don't think it's happening. The thought of trying to do it again makes me want to knock my head on the wall. And to top it off, my over-used camera has been going downhill lately and now my pictures are turning out blurry. I think that's just an excuse to get a new one.

Anyway, here is how a photo session at my house goes:

I put them down next to each other, but Evan immediately tries to flip over the side of the chair. I can't put them on the floor, though, or they will just crawl away. So, I finally get him sitting, but he's upset so he slouches and is all depressed looking. During that fiasco, Amelia has taken off her shoes, so I get them back on, but then Evan has his shoes and one sock off. I say "forget the shoes" and just start snapping pictures. But now Amelia wants nothing to do with this so she is trying launch off the couch toward me screaming. I put her back, but now they are both writhing around. The only way they are happy is if I let them turn around and look over the chair. I say forget it and try to get pics of them separately on the floor, but they will not look at me and will only eat shoes.

Here is proof!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Finally, a couple of videos

This first one is the one I have meaning to post just because I love the destruction my little guy's legs can do.

This video I just took yesterday and it really isn't much. I was attempting a photo session of their new Xmas outfits and all chaos broke out. I gave up and recorded a little clip of Amelia walking, although I didn't catch much of it. And of course I had to show off the new skirt. They don't make them in my size :(

Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy December 1st!

We got to walk to the beach today! It was in the upper 50's, but the wind was cold so I bundled them up. Amelia and Evan loved the seagulls. I can't wait to take them to a beach this summer!

I thought I would post 'cause a lot of people I know are in the snow right now. In the background of Amelia's pic is the Long Island ferry.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Pics from this week

Amelia is getting her wings, a signature in my family.

He's almost standining on his own!

There is always action around here.

My other little pumpkin.
Evan looks dyno-mite in his dino jammies.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

New London House

A few people have asked about the house, so I thought I would post a pic of the "not haunted Victorian home". It's not supposed to be, but we have had a few episodes of cabinets and doors opening, which would immediately be debunked by Ghost Hunters. But, we did have a window open on us and there is NO WAY that it could open by its own. And our toys are still going off. But hey, the owner says it's not haunted, so it's not.

New London is pretty nice, but it is very windy here. I don't think the wind has stopped since we got here. I guess that is why every single house has windchimes. It's really very awful to listen to. What makes people say, "Hey, let's get windchimes. It would be great because they would never stop chiming!" The funny thing is that it is so overly windy that the windchimes are actually blowing parallel to the ground, kind of like windsockchimes. And they bang on the houses. It is more like a full percussion section. That and the foghorn is enough to drive anyone to the brink of insanity. But other than that, it's very nice. And cold.

Monday, November 17, 2008

What size yoga ball are you?

Another therapist, not Evan's, made me aware today that getting a yoga ball would be great to sit on and bounce Evan in my lap to relax him. She then preceded to walk around to my backside and size up my butt. I heard her mumbling behind me about what size yoga ball I should get, but I was too busy thinking, "I can't believe there is a 50's-ish year old woman behind me sizing up my @ss!"

I looked on-line and it appears that weight is not a factor, since they hold up to 600 lbs. It's the height that matters. In any case, they all come with an "anti-burst" guarantee, so I'm safe no matter what the size. Maybe I'll just get a hippity-hop and strap him into the Baby Bjorn.

Just a note that I'm totally annoyed with my wireless aircard internet. It's not letting me upload videos and I have a few great ones right now. Maybe I will try uploading to YouTube and embedding that into the blog. Worst case scenario I'm forced to order a grande gingerbread latte from Starbucks and use their Wi-fi. They better have that flavor by now.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Evan is Awesome

Of course we all know that already, but it was confirmed once again by his new therapists.

There were three occupational therapists that worked with him during his first visit this week. Three young ladies and he was loving every minute of it- such a ladies man. He was showing off his moves and they couldn't believe everything he can do.

His physical therapist is an older lady who got down on the floor with him and threw him in a swing that hangs from the ceiling. She also blows bubbles.

After spending so much time with John's and my families, I think he is very relaxed around other people now*. His therapists in Athens would be so jealous. Now he just sits there and is like, "whatever, I'm playing with new toys," while they work on him.

Next week will be a challenge. Therapy 3 times a week- with Amelia along for the ride.


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Happy 10 months!

Oh, this is sad. They will be a year in no time. I'm already planning for the party.

I quick took a pic of them this morning to post. It was a typical morning- Amelia trying to escape and Evan eating her sock. Enjoy.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

We are here!

We made it to New London, CT a couple of days ago, via Durham, Annapolis, and Nanuet, NY. We took our time so the kids wouldn't go too nuts. And the Navy paid, so why not? The house we are living in is a furnished victorian home near the ocean (or the sound), which the owner promised was not haunted. He had never even thought of that, he said, and that sounds just crazy to me. But I believe in that stuff. He told me he hopes that he doesn't get a call from me saying we want out of there 'cause of ghosts. I told him I would just call Ghostbusters.

We've settled in already, we are just waiting for the cribs and high chairs to be delivered. And the fence. Man, that fence is a life saver. I don't know how my mom did it without one. There is no way I could get anything done if I didn't have that thing. E & A only want to go where they shouldn't be going. Of course.

Evan started therapy today. I lit a fire under someones butt and got it started again immediately. I keep being told that I need a case manager and it never happens. I can't trust anyone to come through for Evan but me. I just wish the military (or their contracted health insurers) cared a little more about doing the right thing for their kids with problems. I'm always pushed off to the next person. I finally got a nurse manager to help me. So now we are good until we move to WA. In other words, I have to light another butt fire already in January. I wonder if they sell cases of lighter fluid at Sams Club...

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

We are excited about Halloween, even though we will be driving across North Carolina and the kids won't get to wear their costumes. Well, we could take them out for the night at Duke University, but they will probably be asleep.

All is good right now. We are out of the house in Athens and on our way to New London, CT!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

My Itty Bitty Babies

E & A went to the pediatrician Tuesday and are getting bigger. They are so huge to me and people who haven't seen them in awhile, but they are still itty bitty.

Evan is 16 lbs, 2 oz, 0% for weight. Amelia is 15lbs, 8 oz, 2% for weight. The doctor says they are on their own healthy little curve, so we are not worried. They eat like piggies. One thing neat is that Evan was an inch shorter than Amelia in August and is now 1.5 inches longer.

Evan uses his abs to start sitting up and then uses his right hand to finish the job. He went to PT today and even though we haven't been there in awhile, his head/neck are doing great! So much so that we aren't going back next week and won't return again because we are moving next Thursday. This is the only reason I am sad about leaving. His PT, Laurie, and his OT, Kim, have done so much for Evan and are just the nicest people. Sniff, sniff. I have a feeling it is not going to be like that in New England.

Amelia is crazy as always. When we lay on the floor she climbs on top of us and launches herself over. She doesn't even care that she's smashing her head into the floor. She laughs hysterically. She is standing by herself for 7 seconds. If we stand her up she won't do it, though. She has to do it herself.

Here is some footage of her being insane. I couldn't resist sharing this.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Some pics from our vacay

Swan's Pumpkin Farm, Franksville, WI
Genevieve, Ailey, Evan, and Amelia

Makeshift highchair- Evan is bored of Squash.

I caught Ailey eating a bowl of sprinkles- her favorite food, she says.

Coordinated Cousins

Saturday, October 18, 2008

It's Complicated.

Well, we made the trip to Minneapolis and back from Kenosha with Evan (a 12 hour round trip via mini-van). It turns out Evan's arm/hand orthopedic surgeries cannot be done at Shriners Hospitals because he had heart surgery and there is no emergency dept, icu, or heart specialists on hand if something were to happen. They only do orthopedic surgeries and treat burn patients with no prior complications. I'm not sure why they would not tell me this before making me drive all the way there, but everything happens for a reason with us. We got to meet the top surgeon in the country for arms with a missing radius, Dr. Ann Van Heest. She told us her opinion of what corrective steps she would take. If she would do the surgery, however, we would have to fight with our insurance to pay for the surgeries at another hospital in Minneapolis. I think if I try hard I could win this battle. But, she told us names of surgeons she recommended in Boston and Seattle, so we are thinking of going that route. Minneapolis is just so out there. The thing is, Boston and Seattle are in different insurance coverage areas, so there is going to be a battle with them at some point. As soon as I get to CT, I'm going to take Evan to see the surgeon in Boston and talk with him on his opinion and if he can place a call to the surgeon in Seattle. It's a mess! I try not to have the "why me?" or "why him?" attitude, it's just so hard to stay positive all the time when one thing after another doesn't work out.

Anyway, the first surgery is called "wrist centralization" where the wrist is moved over and attached to the remaining bone in his arm, the ulna. First we have to put splints on Evan every night to aggressively stretch out his muscles and tendons that are supposed to attach to a radius bone. Having this surgery will keep his hand from pulling inward so much. This surgery should be done by 12 months, so this is part of the reason I'm freaking out about where to do it. If I wait until Seattle he might be a little older and John will be on a submarine! If we do it in Boston, then we have to move before his cast comes off and the pin comes out. Do I fly 6 hours with twins back out to Boston for this? I can't imagine a surgeon would want another surgeon completing his work. Do I stay in New England for awhile? Aaahhh!!

So that is my update. Coming to you from our new broadband "air card" in our laptop while riding in the homamma mobile.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Happy 9 months!

I haven't been able to post because we are staying at my moms, who has *gasp* dial-up internet. Thank god I am visiting my sister right now!

We just got back from E & A's first professional photo shoot with my friend Katie and it went quite well. I think we got some pictures! Hey, if they are both facing somewhat forward and aren't crying, it was a successful photoshoot to me

It is sunny and low 60's so we are off to the pumpkin farm. Hot cider, caramel apples, petting zoo, and hopefully a decent picture or two with some dressed up pumpkins. I wish they had some South Park pumpkins, but something tells me they won't.

Evan goes to Shriners on Tuesday and Wednesday, then we head home. Hopefully I will post again soon. If the phone line is available ;)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Fun with Evan

He's so goofy. John says he is a lot like me. I guess I'll take that as a complement.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Evan can sit!

This is very important and I forgot to post these pics last week. He will still do a face plant to the left if he forgets to balance check, but it counts. He can definitely sit. He just has a hard time getting into the sitting position. But that's why Mom is here :) I have some funny movies, too- I will post them next.
Yes, those are his cute rocket ship pj's. And I'm not sure how it happened, but somehow in between snapping two pictures Amelia ended up naked. What's new.

Monday, September 29, 2008

My Boobs Ain't Yo' Biznass

I thought I had heard everything from people when I was out and about. Turns out there is a whole other set of comments and gestures that people make about twins starting in the eighth month. And a couple that are still asked even though they shouldn't be. At this point, I'm starting to get angry. I'm starting to turn that corner of being a B word back to them. I can feel it, anyway. Now, my friends know I have it in me, but to the outside world I'm actually very quiet. I feel sorry for the one who gets it from me- all that buildup. No I'm not.

Here is what I've experienced lately. Wow, I was trying to rank them and they are all equally bad to me!

1) The twin mom who insists on giving advice. I ran into a lady with twin 2 year olds, also a boy and a girl. First she told me that it is "Hell" when twins are 8 months. Then she went on about how much better it is when they are 2. Lastly, she told me, "Seriously, 8 months is just a shitty, shitty time." I don't feel that way about my 8 month olds. Boy I'm glad this lady said something or I wouldn't have known that I'm having a shitty time right now. Thank goodness! Wow, this is shitty! Twin parents of twins older than the twins of the mom you are giving advice to: STOP!

2) "Are they two boys?" I'm still floored by this. I personally think that Amelia is the cutest little girl. I think I get this because I put Evan in the front a lot and they look at him and don't look in the back at her. And she wears the cutest girl clothes, so I just don't know anymore. I am hoping to get up the courage to say, "Yes, two boys, but one is transgender."

3) "Are they twins?" I'm going to start saying, "No." Just let them figure out how stupid they are. They don't look 9 months apart. They obviously aren't identical (yes, I still get asked), so maybe they think that I decided to take in a foster child around the same time I had a baby of my own? Ooh! I'm going to use that one!

4) "Didge y'all cheat?" Can you believe this one? I've heard of people asking twin moms if they used fertility drugs, but it is even weirder when asked by a redneck loading a new twin stroller into your car.

5) Stepping in front of my stroller and forcing me to stop so they can look at the twins. Even worse? Not saying anything to me!! They usually say, "how cute"-with no eye contact- and then get on their way. I really need to just keep the stroller rolling and roll right into them.

6) A lady walked up to me a few weeks ago and asked if I was breastfeeding. What's worse is that she did it on purpose because I was feeding Amelia a bottle! She wanted to know why I wasn't anymore. Now I know I've bitched about this one before, but c'mon- is it really a shock that I'm not breastfeeding two 15 pounders? I hate people.

7) "Are you going to have any more?" Why do complete strangers ask this? What do they care? I find that there is no right answer for this. You can't tell the truth, because that would be a long drawn out answer. So I make up some short yes or no one-liner. I find that people are happier when I tell them "I'm done because I have a boy and a girl and now my life is complete". Whatever will get them away from me the fastest.

8) Last but not least is the event that really pissed me off good. It's not that bad, but it really got to me. I'm standing in line at the post office and there is a stupid lady (SL) behind me ogling at the twins. Here is our exact conversation:

SL: Is the girl younger?
Me: No, they are twins.
SL: Yeah, I know that (with attitude), but is the girl younger?
Me: You mean was she born later? Yeah, I guess (with attitude), like a minute if you call that younger.
SL: I knew it. I knew she was younger. I could tell.

This was my first experience of almost blowing it. What did she mean "younger"? Twins are the same age. I was just furious at how ignorant some idiots are. I came home and told John, called my sister, -it just got to me!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Crazy Meli

Amelia is not satisfied with one toy. After she is done with them, she turns them over and tries to stand on them.

She purposefully said her first word today (we think). It was Daddy (boo!). John held his arms out and she said, "Dada", and went to him.

She also stood all alone for 5 seconds or so on Thursday.

Here is a bonus cuteness pic. I had to show off the matching Dr. Seuss tattoo onesies. Matching is a rare find, not sure why.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Picture Backlog

There are so many that I say I will post and never do. So I'm just going to start loading them up! From July to September, oldest to newest.

These next few are from their 7 month photo op attempt.

Evan crashing from a sugar high ;)


Flock of Seagulls bedhead. "And I crawled, I crawled so far away,.."

My future geographer.