Thursday, May 6, 2010

No time to blog!

I have no time. No energy. Now that the twins are well into their twos, it is chaos during the day. As I write, Evan is climbing onto the Little Tikes kitchen. Oh, now there are two of them on the Little Tikes kitchen. They are climbing from the kitchen, onto the arm of the couch, and jumping onto the couch. Next thing to happen will be Amelia jumping from the couch to the floor, which she does perfectly. I usually stop Evan because of the one kidney thing. He has to avoid impact trauma "in general over the course of his life", but asking a two year old boy not to jump off things is like, well, asking a two year old boy not to jump off things. And of course we are busy dealing with attitudes, a lot of not listening, some time-outs, and potty training.

Other than all of the action, things are going well around here. We found out we will be here for an additional 5 months, so I have finally adjusted to that. It was going to work out perfectly to move for Evan's appointments and both of them continuing pre-school (they get kicked out of the program at 3, so I was just going to start them when we moved in February.) So now I have additional work to do to figure out things here, then at our next location. And of course there is the stress of not knowing where that is!! I think that is the reason I haven't been blogging. I've been in the blahs. But the sun is trying to come out this morning and around here, that is a big deal.

Well, I'd better go, they are fighting over balls. They each have the same one, but they both want two...

Oh, and did I mention that both of them have their first 2 year molars coming in and they are both having bouts of over-emotional-ness? Yeah...

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