Monday, June 15, 2009

I'm a Big Non-Fat Failure

Zero percentile strikes again!

Well, the kids had their 18 month check-up and shots today. I knew that they were still considered small, but was shocked when I saw the digital scale numbers underneath my little Amelia. 17 lbs, 5 ozs. Could it be wrong? Please say it's wrong. Nope. Today I was told that my daughter is severely underweight. She is tiny in weight and in height (28.27"). Evan weighs in at 19 lbs, 67 ozs, which isn't quite on the growth curve for boys, but much better than Amelia's weight. His height was measured at 31", but I'm telling you right now that there is no way he is more than two inches taller than his sister. They look about the same to me, maybe he is slightly taller.

It shocks me sometimes at how small they are, but I am still somewhat OK with it because John and I both have nieces that were tiny, too. And neither of us were very big. Nonetheless, I have been tasked with feeding Evan and Amelia a high fat diet. For the next two weeks, butter will be served on everything. All veggies will be in ranch dressing or coated with cream soup. All fruit will be dipped in a cream cheese topping. I have mostly been giving them short-bread style cookies for dessert. Now they will get Twinkies, mini-donuts, and Oreos. I have been giving them healthy hippy crackers. Now they will get full fat butter cookies and croissants. And to drink? Only whole milk. No water, no juice. No more formula. No more bottle.

I can't tell you how horrible it feels not to figure things out on my own. I've been pretty good at anything I've tried to do in my life. Why is it that I need so much help when it comes to raising my children? I'm so clueless. I can't believe that I didn't figure out the high fat thing on my own. I should have been more forceful when it came to making them drink cow's milk.

On top of all that, I've been told to make their naps last at least two hours and make them sleep for 11-12 hours a night. Supposedly one hour naps and 10 hours of sleep a night just isn't enough. Sure, stop giving them a bottle and they'll go to sleep all night. Yeah, right! I'm just going to start with feeding them the new foods and we'll go from there.

I guess I'd better go take a stick of butter out of the fridge...


Auntie Amy said...

You are not a failure. Ailey is 4 and a half and only 30 pounds. I am going to recommend a fry daddy for you. More calories needed? How about you deep fry those twinkies and oreos?

Laura said...

Wow, that is rough to hear. But then it's easier to remember that you and John and Drew and I are not basketball stars who sumo wrestle on the side. I think that you're doing a great job, in fact you are my hero for everything you've been through to raise these two healthy babies so beautifully. But I completely understand how this news makes you feel. I have a friend who's started a blog about high fat diets for her little girl and you should definitely follow up with it, maybe even make your suggestions as you come across ideas on fatty foods. The blog is

gina said...

Once again I am behind in reading your blogs but I felt terrible when I read that you thought you weren't doing a good job at parenting. Are you kidding me??? Those kids are sooooooo lucky too have you as their mom! I don't think I could be half the mom you are if I were in your situation! You're amazing and don't you forget it!!