Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Momma's Day

My mom left yesterday and now all hell is breaking loose. Just kidding, we are some how doing OK, but they have already been challenging this Mother's Day. I skipped the Mother's Day brunch that the ladies of the USS Pennsylvania are throwing because it would be more stress than fun. Taking them out to eat is the biggest challenge of all. So I decided that I was going to force them to make me some drawings.

Two 16 month olds, 6 crayons, 2 markers, what could go wrong? Well, when I was helping Evan, Amelia stuck the two washable marks up her nose, then into her mouth and sucked the ink off of the marker tips. Then when I was washing her off, Evan bit the tip off of a crayon and started screaming because it tasted so bad. So then I had to dig the wax flakes off of his tongue and teeth. But, hey, I got some cards from them, right?
Then I stopped that and Amelia crawled inside the Little People garage. What is next??

1 comment:

Laura said...

Happy Mother's Day to the best Mother ever!