Saturday, July 26, 2008

Girls are hard

My mom kept saying while she was here, "I told you girls were harder." It's not that she likes to get into everything, because Evan does, too. It's not that she insists on putting the bottle into her mouth herself, because Evan does that too. It's that she does it with such attitude.

Besides that she moves around like crazy and won't sit still. Evan likes to chill once in awhile, Amelia never does. The pictures below show why she is no longer allowed in the bouncy chair.

We are also moving her crib to the guest bedroom because when she wakes up, even in the middle of the night, she insists on talking to herself very loudly. This starts to wake Evan up. What happens is as soon as I hear her on the monitor I run down the hall and stick a pacifier in her mouth. But even this doesn't work sometimes. She spits it out and starts talking again. I feel bad that I have to separate them but, really, they only sleep in their cribs anyway. As soon as they are both up, I move the operation to the living room, which has been converted to a pizza-less Chuck-E-Cheese.

And yes, she's buckled in.

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