Monday, May 19, 2008

Yay, Evan!

I have been on a toy buying frenzy to make sure Evan has the right toys to do a little occupational therapy at home. Why are all of the rattles nowadays so darn bulky? They are very heavy for 4 month olds. We went to a fru-fru upscale store and found some cool stuff. At OT at the hospital, they move toys around and make him grab for them. He does such a good job with both hands. He has had remarkable progress with his small left arm the past couple of weeks. It is not because of therapy, either. He just naturally is learning to use what he's been given to use. The therapist said to put a towel under his arm to make him want to use it, but I told her he already does. He first started grabbing his knee and holding it a couple of weeks ago. Then last week he started playing with toys. Now, his current thing is to take his right arm and pull his left hand to his mouth and suck on his fingers. I can't believe how great he is doing. He is such a happy baby. Until his red-headed temper kicks in, anyway!

Here are some pics of Evan. He's showing off his battle scars!

1 comment:

gina said...

He looks so good!! i can't believe he had surgery not too long ago!