Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Babyzillas

They may look tiny to everyone else, but to me they are huge. I was surprised at their 2 year old check-ups when they showed up in the percentages on their growth charts (some)! An actual number in front of a percent sign!! I am in shock. Yeah, so a very small number in front of the percent sign still means they are tiny, but at least there is a number. And Evan's head is an awesome size. So there. They are my giants- watch out or they will get you!

0 percentile weight (almost 20 lbs)
15th percentile height (33 in)
4th percentile head circumference (45.5 cm)

1st percentile weight (21.5 lbs)
3rd percentile height (32.5 in)
54th percentile head circumference (49 cm)

1 comment:

Laura said...

Yay for giant babies! This is great news.