Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Teeth, Fevers, and Krispy Kremes

Well, it's been rough around here. I didn't know Labor Day weekend meant John and I would be laboring over these kids. The kids both got a cold (runny nose, coughing, sneezing, low fever) over the weekend. First it was Evan up all night, then it switched to Amelia on Sunday night. We were beat!

They are just about done with the cold now with only a slow ooze still exiting their noses. I can't believe how much they fight when we wipe their nose. Amelia screams at the top of her lungs and we can't even hold on to Evan. He is so strong. We had to give up on him a few times. Then later when his nose was crusty, I picked him up and said, "Evan, you've got a glazed Krispy Kreme nose. With two holes!"

I've heard teething doesn't cause colds, but even my mom agrees that they seem to coincide. Amelia still has the two teeth on the bottom and Evan now has one tooth on the bottom and one on the top. The top tooth gives him a different look. He is not my baby anymore when he smiles. Boo hoo. It is darn cute, though. I will post a pic whenever I get one.

Have to go, Miss Amelia is sassing at my back to pay attention to her. Time to play. Again...

1 comment:

gina said...

Teething doesn't cause colds? I call shenanigans! Every kid I've ever heard about who is teething gets a cold or a fever.