Saturday, October 27, 2012

9 months

Ingrid is 9 months! She has quite the personality. She wants to do everything herself, including feeding. She rarely wants something by spoon, so I just give her anything she wants in little pieces to pick up. Yes, anything, per the pediatrician. Once again I have a baby on the small side. She is 25% in height, less than 5% in weight. It is pretty easy to throw potatoes, sweet potatoes, apples, etc. in the microwave, so it hasn't been too bad. I just was not expecting this so soon. This actually started the week she turned 8 months. She is saying "Hi" and "Dada" and will say "Hi Dada" and wave to John. I love waking up in the morning; she puts her head right on mine and says, "Hi!" She is pretty stubborn and wants to do what she wants when she wants to. I guess that's pretty typical being my daughter ;).

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