A quick blurb about Amelia before we start in with an Evan update. She fell on a pebble at her hairline on her forehead and required what we thought would be one or two stitches. John took her in to the Naval hospital and they put a staple in to close the little gap. They said glue would not work on that spot of her head. When we went to Seattle Children's for Evan, both the surgeons we saw simultaneously exclaimed, "Is that a STAPLE?" "In a BABY??" I was kind of miffed that maybe the military was just being, well, militairy-ish on my baby's head. But it she only whined a little while they put it in and didn't even flinch when they took it out this week, so what is the big deal? I'll go with that Army doc on Grey's Anatomy any day.
On to Evan. We went see the hand surgeon at Seattle Children's last Thursday and he was very adamant about giving Evan a thumb. Of course he deserves a thumb, so we nodded our heads and scheduled the surgery. It's so hard to come to terms with the decision we know we needed to make. He does things Amelia can't even do, but it's only because he is so calm and methodical about doing little tasks. He loves to figure things out. But in the near future, he will need a thumb to use tools and do everyday tasks. Yes, he we could let him figure everything out and he would do just fine in life, but if we have the power to give him a thumb, shouldn't we? I know this is a 360 degree turn from a previous post where I said we would let him be. Everyday it becomes more obvious that he is trying to use his forefinger as a thumb, so we are going to go with the flow of what he is already trying to do. Hopefully everything will work out for the best! Of course we could always change our mind again, we have until November 17th.
For a little background on the surgery, here is an article about Dr. Hanel at Seattle Children's Hospital creating a thumb. The writer is horrible and it reads like a novel, but you can get an idea of how great this surgeon is supposed to be.
Here is a thumb pollicization video from Scottish Rite in Dallas, but it is just the intro. You can still get an idea of what the hand will look like afterward.
And here is a graphic.
And here are some recent cute pics to make your day. I can't believe I didn't take a picture of the staple in her head! We also have a cardiology appointment tomorrow, so I will update soon on that!
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