Thursday, May 1, 2008

Mission Studio Portait: Failed

The picture above says it all about my day trying to get pictures of them.

My day started out at Walmart at their portrait studio. Neither Evan or Amelia would cooperate. I'm actually glad because they let me cancel the session. I'm glad I got to cancel the session because the photographer sucked. And the background was hideous.

Since I can always get them to smile at the same time, I decided to take some pictures at home. Boy, was I a little overconfident. They are starting to teethe a little and always have their hands in their mouth. Here are some examples of what I was able to get:

This pic is called "my overalls are riding up my butt, so I'm just going to munch on them".

This pic is called "hands- in my tummy- party, party". (Another Yo Gabba Gabba reference- I will post a video of that next.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Overallls want to join the party? The party in my tummy?