Thursday, May 22, 2008

All About Amelia

Or Houdini, as I like to call her. I feel bad that so many posts are dedicated to Evan's health, so I thought this post could be all about her.

I always refer to her as my "crazy baby". She used to be crazy because she was very loud and colicky the first couple of months. But now that she is a little older (and on sensitive formula), she is crazy because she is constantly on the move. And she is always smiling and laughing. Her nickname is Houdini because she tries to get out of any apparatus we put her in. She also can never be in a normal position. She likes to be bent sideways in the swing or doing a backbend when you hold her. She is definitely my daughter and will most likely be a gymnast. She knows how to jump like on a trampoline (on my stomach- unfortunately). There are only two reasons she is cranky: 1) hunger 2) she wants to be standing upright. My arms are tired!

Her latest thing is being on her stomach. She will not stay on her back no matter how hard we try. Playtime with Evan is an event because she just wants to steamroll right over him. (He thinks that is the greatest thing, of course.) She has to sleep on her stomach, too, which freaks me out a little, but I'm sure she is fine. She can scoot and gets upset that she can't figure out how to crawl. It will be exciting to see such a tiny thing crawl, just like her cousin Genevieve.

Everyday she looks more and more like John, but is keeping the blue eyes and still has red in her hair in the sunlight. So darn cute, my Meli.

Here she is scootin'.

Sideways swinger. She needs constant supervision!

Escape from the Bumbo chair. My sister said that babies are not supposed to get out of these. She's only 4.5 months!

Here is another video of her in the jumparoo. She is even more active than a couple of weeks ago.

This is a short video of her rolling over.

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