Saturday, March 31, 2012

Ingrid is 2 months

Well, I'm really tired still. There is still no pattern with Ingrid's eating, or should I say one I like. I'm getting between 5 and 7 hours of sleep a night (mostly towards the 5). She eats a lot and is so big, I'm guessing towards 10 lbs now. I will find out next Friday. (Disclaimer: I see her father holding her and she is a tiny cupcake.) On top of that, I also have some crazy stomach pains like someone has kicked me in the guts and all I can do is lay in the alley and beg for the pain to stop. Other than that, I am hanging in there. Wait, this isn't supposed to be about me...

We, or I, am fighting with insurance and office people to get Evan's pool therapy referral straightened out because no one will do their job, once again. I'm sure it will be worked out thanks to me and that means therapy 4 times a week, school two times a week, and Amelia is finally in gymnastics once a week.

Amelia is amazing at gymnastics (of course). She is so quick I can't get a good picture and you can't see her on the video. I will try again.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

My Big Baby

Miss Ingrid is just over 5 weeks weighing in at 8 lbs, 11 ozs. When we left the hospital she was 6 lbs, 13 ozs, almost a 2 lb weight gain in 5 weeks! She is almost out of her newborn clothes already. I have pics of Amelia at 3 or 4 months wearing the same newborn outfits. I have to dig them up.

Ingrid is a very awake, alert baby. She always wants to be held at a 90 degree angle on my lap or on my hip when I'm walking around. I thought I had time before getting an activity gym mat. I hurried up and ordered one last week so she could be occupied and have things to look at. She loves it!