Tuesday, January 24, 2012

kids eating bithday cake

If watching kids eating cake and conversing is cute to you, then have I got a video for you.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday!

We started off the day at the museum, then cake, presents, dinner, and skyping with Auntie Amy, Uncle Bill, Genna, and Ailey. It was a lot of fun!

Four should be interesting. Not just the addition of our baby girl coming soon, but the antics the twins are pulling are naughty, yet hilarious. It is hard to keep a straight face with me being a jokester myself. Sneaking food on each others plates, lying with a straight face, blaming each other, etc. OK, so that is just Amelia, you can imagine. Evan is all about using different words that rhyme instead of the words he should (like Balibornia, Gom, Jickey Jouse), as well as inserting booger and poop into phrases. I'm sure I will have some stories!

inside a giant bubble!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year

Amelia's first kiddie cocktail, a tradition my grandmother started. Squirt (50/50 if you can find it), a spoon full of sugar, and a marachino cherry. Happy New Year!